- 本校9/13開學,9/22正式上課,依教育部公告9/22-9/26改採全面線上教學並進行演練,9/13-9/21仍維持防疫準備不授課。
- 9/27日起,採實體+線上分流進行授課,單雙週依學號倒數第二碼單雙號輪流實體+線上分流上課,單雙週依「銘傳大學110學年度第1學期行事曆」所定之週次為準。(9/27為第三周,學號倒數第二碼為單數者到校上課,雙數者線上上課,隔週則換學號倒數第二碼為雙數的同學到校上課,單數者線上上課,爾後各週依此類推)
- 分流後如仍超過教室容留人數上限之班級,即採全面線上上課,學校將依指揮中心公告疫情發展滾動修正。
- 實體課程依防疫規定,採固定座位,全程佩戴口罩、保持通風、定時消毒;授課老師務必每節上課確實點名掌握學生出席狀況。
- 開學加退選日期為9/22中午12:30至9/30中午12:30,選課期間若同學需試聽課程可利用Teams的聊天功能聯繫老師,由老師加入課程線上試聽。
■ Class Attendance Format
- The semester begins on September 13 and classes formally begin on September 22. According to the Ministry of Education’s announcement, classes are conducted online from September 22 to 26. Classes are not conducted from September 13 to September 21 for epidemic prevention preparation.
- Starting September 27, students will attend classes on-site and online dispersed by odd and even weeks according to their student ID number. The odd and even weeks are marked onthe Ming Chuan University 2021-22 Academic Year 1st Semester Calendar. (Classes formallybegin on September 22 which is the second week. If the second to the last digit of the student ID number is even, then students come to class on-site that week; if it is odd, then attend classes online that week. The class attendance format switches the following week as the second to the last digit of student ID number is odd, so then, those students attend classes on-site and ones with an even digit attend classes online, and so forth throughout the semester.)
- If, even after dispersion, the class size still exceeds the maximum number of people, then the class will be offered online. The university will revise this according to updated notices from the Central Epidemic Command Center.
- On-site classes must follow the epidemic prevention regulations, including always sitting in the assigned seat, wearing a face masks at all times, maintaining air flow, and disinfecting periodically. The instructor must take role accurately for each class period as to keep track of students’ attendance.
■ Course Selection
- The add/ drop period is 12:30 pm September 22 to 12:30 pm September 30. If students need to audit a class during the course selection period, please contact the instructor using the chat function in Teams and request to be added to the class.