The Academic Affairs Division is established in accordance with the Ming Chuan University Organizational Code, with one Dean of Academic Affairs appointed by the president among the Professor to administrate the university-wide academic related matters, along with the assistant dean and secretaries. Our division includes four sections, the Curriculum Section, the Registrar Section, the General Academic Affairs Section, and the Taoyuan Academic Affairs Section; and two centers, the Enrollment Center, and the Teaching and Learning Resources Center, which are responsible for the university-wide student status, curriculum, grade management, student recruitment, teachers' instructional, and student learning and counseling related matters.

- Specialty: Information Management, Management Information System, System Analysis, Database Management, E-commerce, Programming, Web Programming and Design
- Current position: Dean of Academic Affairs Division, Director of Teaching and Learning Resources Center, Information Management Associate Professor
- Education: Ph.D, Ming Chuan University

- Compile recruitment related affairs
- Assist recruitment strategy establishment for each department
- Establish, revise, and report recruitment regulation to Ministry of Education
- Establish General Recruitment and Admission Regulations/Procedures and report to Admissions Committee for approval

Ms. Chou, Hsin-Yi
- Comprehensive matters for Academic Affairs Division
- Official documentation processing for Academic Affairs Division
- Official stamp for Academic Affairs Division
- Budget management, support, and finalization for Academic Affairs Division Dean’s office.
- Compile various information and data for Academic Affairs Division

Ms. Chang, Hsiao-Yun
- Comprehensive matters for Academic Affairs Division
- Draft, compile, and compose Academic Affairs Division Assessment Plan and Mid-range University Affairs Development Plan
- Examination related affairs for the General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) on Matzu location
- Examination related affairs for the Test of English Listening Comprehension (TELC) on Matzu location
- Compile various information and data for Academic Affairs Division
- Assist other matters related to academic affairs

The Registrar Section is established in accordance with the Ming Chuan University Organizational Code to be responsible for university-wide student status management, grade processing, various documentation requests (transcripts, student ID card, Certificate of Matriculation, English Certificate of Completion, Certificate of Transferring, Certificate of Completion), application process for study leave, withdraw from school, score review, name change, and change of major. The Registrar Section also assists departments with relevant matters.

Ms. Hsieh, Hsiou-Jan
- Supervise student status data management
- Registration, study leave, withdrawal from study, resumption of study, name change, issues and reissue student identification card and various academic related documentation application, issue diploma (certificate), and compile student status data
- Department, section, specialized degree program transfer procedures
- Report new student and graduation student roster, withdrawal from studies, deferral and name change
- Report degree title
- Supervise student grade data management
- Students’ course credits waiver application
- Evaluate minor, double major, and focused course program applications
- Grade processing
- Summer sessions and inter-colligated grade processing
- Management of automated document application payment machine
- Evaluation of graduation requirements and early graduation qualifications
- Graduation qualification and early graduation application
- Supervise the refund and payment system
- Academic Affairs related regulations revision and report to Ministry of Education

Ms. Hung, Fen-Fen
- Student status system maintenance
- Execute refund and payment system
- Student status related matters:
(1) Compile data for study leave, withdraw from school, and resumption of studies
(2) Department transfer application
(3) Change of name and date of birth application ; Issue Chinese Certificate of Degree Conferral
(4) Registration related matters
(5) Compile new coming student roster, graduation roster, and transfer student roster
(6) Compile name and date of birth change roster and withdrawal roster
(7) Assist internal academic related data and graduate students' educational level - Report degree title to Ministry of Education
- Chinese character coinage maintenance
- Assist compiling academic related statistical data for Minstry of Education and Higher Education Database
- Property management ; Student work management
- Webpage maintenance
- Assist recruitment related matters

Ms. Kung, Rui-ping
- Grade data management related matters and application for study leave, withdrawal from school, and resumption of study, issue and reissue student ID card, evaluation of graduation requirements and focused course programs, and application for various certification
- Educational verification for Overseas Student
- Summer Session I related matters
- Paper purchase for academic related usage and manage Sun Yat Sen Auditorium property
- Assist recruitment related matters
- Related matters for:
(1) Finance Department including Master's Program (including work experience program) in Finance
(2) Law Department including Master's Program (including work experience program) in Law
(3) Financial Law Department including Master's Programs in Financial Law
(4) Three-year Work Experience Degree Completion Program in Tourism
(5) Three-year Work Experience Degree Completion Program in Information Management
(6) Two-year Work-experience Completion Program Class Section in Tourism
(7) Two-year Work-experience Completion Program Class Section in Information Management
(8) Two-year Work-experience Completion Program Class Section in Business Administration
(9) Three-year College Program in Banking and Insurance
(10) Five-year College Program in Banking and Insurance
(11) Three-year College Program [evening-only classes] (completed in 4 years) in Banking and Insurance

Ms. Kao, Mei-Ling
- Grade data management related matters and application for study leave, withdrawal from school, and resumption of study, issue and reissue student ID card, evaluation of graduation requirements and focused course programs, and application for various certification
- Educational verification for Overseas Student
- Paper purchase for academic related usage and manage paper sealer
- Summer Session II related matters
- Compile Certification of Courses Studies for Mainland Chinese Students
- Assist recruitment related matters
- Related matters for:
(1) International Business Department including Master's Program (including work experience program) in International Business
(2) Risk Management and Insurance Department including Master's Program (including work experience program) in Risk Management and Insurance
(3) Three-year Work Experience Degree Completion Program in Electronic Engineering
(4) Two-year Work-experience Completion Program Class Section in Business Administration
(5) Two-year Work-experience Completion Program Class Section in Commercial Mathematics
(6) Three-year College Program in Business Management
(7) Five-year College Program in Business Management
(8) Three-year College Program [evening-only classes] (completed in 4 years) in Business Management

Ms. Chen, Feng-Chu
- Grade data management related matters and application for study leave, withdrawal from school, and resumption of study, issue and reissue student ID card, evaluation of graduation requirements and focused course programs, and application for various certification
- Educational verification for Overseas Student
- Paper purchase for academic related uasage
- Assist recruitment related matters
- Related matters for:
(1) Business Administration Department including Master's Program (including work experience program) in Business Administration
(2) Accounting Department including Master's Program (including work experience program) in Accounting
(3) Three-year Work Experience Degree Completion Program in Applied English
(4) Three-year Work Experience Degree Completion Program in Risk Management and Insurance
(5) Three-year College Program in Mass Communication
(6) Five-year College Program in Mass Communication
(7) Three-year College Program [evening-only classes] (completed in 4 years) in International Trade
(8) Undergraduate Pre-matriculation Class Section

Ms. Lin, Yu-Jin (Sophia)
- Grade data management related matters and application for study leave, withdrawal from school, and resumption of study, issue and reissue student ID card, evaluation of graduation requirements and focused course programs, and application for various certification
- Educational verification for Ministry of Examination and other requesting authority
- Compile faculty grade correction
- Compile nominee list of graduation project and top three places of graduating class ranking for drillmaster
- Translation of Academic Affairs related regulations and notices; Academic Affairs Division English webpage maintenance
- Manage storage room in E building
- Paper purchase for academic related usage
- Assist foreign students
- Assist recruitment related matters
- Related matters for:
(1) Journalism and Mass Communication Program
(2) International Business and Trade Program
(3) Fashion and Innovation Management Program
(4) Master’s Program in International Affairs
(5) International Master of Business Administration
(6) Master of Business Administration Program in International Business and Trade (English-taught)
(7) Overseas Youth Vocational Training School of Mass Communication
(8) Duel Degree Program: Master’s Program in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
(9) Duel Degree Program: Master’s Program in New Media and Communication Administration
(10) Three-year College Program in International Trade
(11) Five-year College Program in International Trade

Ms. Chen, Wan-Yu
- Grade data management related matters and application for study leave, withdrawal from school, and resumption of study, issue and reissue student ID card, evaluation of graduation requirements and focused course programs, and application for various certification
- Educational verification for Overseas Student
- Grade related matters schedule planning and paper purchase for academic related usage
- Assist recruitment related matters
- Related matters for:
(1) School of Management
(2) Radio and TV Department
(3) Journalism Department
(4) Advertising and Strategic Marketing Department
(5) New Media and Communication Administration Department including Master's Programs (including work experience program) in New Media and Communication Administration
(6) Master's (Program) Executive II Class Section
(7) Doctoral Program in Business Administration
(8) Three-year Work Experience Degree Completion Program in Applied Japanese
(9) Three-year Work Experience Degree Completion Program in Accounting
(10) Three-year Work Experience Degree Completion Program in International Business
(11) Three-year Work Experience Degree Completion Program in Security Management and Community Affairs
(12) Three-year Completion Program in International Trade
(13) Three-year College Program in Accounting and Statistics
(14) Five-year College Program in Accounting and Statistics
(15) Three-year College Program [evening-only classes] (completed in 4 years) in Accounting and Statistics

The Curriculum Section is established in accordance with the Ming Chuan University Organization Code, with one section chief. This section is responsible for curriculum, course selection, examination, roll call, and printing. We strive to facilitate teaching and learning activities, provide handy curriculum services, stimulate student learning, enhance faculty teaching, and provide informative curriculum-related services.
Mr. Lu, Chia-Hsien
- Curriculum related matters and procedure planning
- Student attendance and procedure planning
- Information system development, procedures planning, and analysis
- Supervise the execution for each affair
Ms. Hsieh, Hsiao-Chien
- Data entry for Ministry of Education Higher Education Database
- Data compile for Ministry of Education Course Information
- Assist Test of English Listening Comprehension
- Assist Test of Advanced Subjects Test
- University Curriculum Committee Meeting
- Distance Education Committee Meeting
- Compile and report to the president for required course of each department
- Faculty instructional proof application
- Total Amount Control-Compile course offering of each faculty member
- Calculate course offering and course revision
- Process courses that were not offering
- Notices in the Student Information System
- Information system development and project planning
- Compile Protection of Personal Information
- Webpage maintenance
- Data analysis
- Assist course selection processing
- Assist examination related matters
- Assist various examination related matters
- Assist other matters related to academic affairs
Ms. Wang, Xin-Yuan
- Assist Test of English Listening Comprehension
- Assist Test of Advanced Subjects Test
- Assist Transfer Student Entrance Examination
- Teaching Reflection Questionnaire
- Assist Undergraduate Admission by Referral and Regional/Institutional Examinations and Selection of Undergraduates for Admission by Referral via (junior) Colleges
- Assist Master’s Program Executive II Class Section examination
- Assist Industrial Technology Master’s Program examination
- Assist Kinmen and Matsu Executive Master’s Program examination
- Assist Review and Selection for Outstanding Athletes for Undergraduate Admission
- Calculate and evaluate faculty instruction hours
- Course offering for Guidance Overseas Chinese Students
- Evaluate faculty office hours
- Curriculum section property management
- Curriculum section webpage maintenance
- Assist other matters related to academic affairs
Ms. Chen, Mei-Yuh
- Semester and summer sessions course offering
- Faculty hourly teaching for summer session and instructional hour
- Student course selection
- Student allotment per class
- Couse conflict and violations process
- Evaluate course selection credits for students in the extended study period
- Coordinate course selection work timeline
- Assist student online course selection and compose the notice
- Upload data on Course Information website
- Assist examination related matters
- Assist other matters related to academic affairs

Ms. Fu, Zhi-Yan
- Assist Executive Master's Admission examination
- Assist Doctoral Program Admission examination
- Assist Undergraduate Admission by Referral and Regional/Institutional Examinations and Selection of Undergraduates for Admission by Referral via (technical/vocational) Institutes
- Manage documentation printing application
- Classroom arrangement for Taipei and Jihe locations
- Compile examination work procedure
- Microcredit course offering and selection
- Center for Taiwan Academic Research Ethics Education platform management
- Assist course selection processing
- Assist examination related matters
- Assist other matters related to academic affairs
Ms. Cheng, Shun-Tzu
- Faculty leave application, class rescheduling, and makeup classes
- Loan services of classrooms
- Code and class code, and faculty ID code processing
- Faculty and student password
- Assist Transfer Student examination
- Assist examination related work
- Manage budget for Curriculum Section
- Attendance
- Assist faculty in attendance data entry and roll call correction
- Student attendance correction
- Calculate and report students missed over 1/3 of the total teaching hours for each end-of-semester and summer session
- Student attendance notice for parent
- Assist other matters related to academic affairs

Ms. Yu, Ya-Chen
- Midterm, final (graduation), and summer session examinations related matters
- Semester makeup examination
- Assist Master’s Work Experience Program examination
- Assist examination related matters for various recruitment channels
- Assist other matters related to academic affairs
Ms. Kung, Jui-Chi
- Assist General Scholastic Ability Test
- Midterm, final, and summer session examinations related matters
- Semester makeup examination
- Assist Master’s Program Admission examination related matters
- Chinese and English course syllabus and outline
- Assist examination related matters
- Assist other matters related to academic affairs

Ms. Wang, Shu-Wen
- Attendance
- Assist faculty in attendance data entry and roll call correction
- Assist course selection for each semester, summer sessions, and special occasion
- Outstanding faculty teaching selection
- Doctoral examination related matters
- On-campus examination related matters
- Examination orientation for new faculty
- Assist examination related matters for various recruitment channels
- Assist other matters related to academic affairs
Mr. Lu, Chien-Chin
- Printing services for administrative unit examination paper
- Printing services for faculty lecture materials and examinations
- Printing services for International Symposia on Major Academic Disciplines
- Printing services for midterm, final, graduation, summer session, and makeup examination paper
- Assist other matters related to academic affairs

The General Academic Affairs Section is established in accordance with the Ming Chuan University Organizational Code, as to assist and promote external recruitment strategy establishment for each program. We provide simplified and automative external recruitment system as to achieve convenient services for students with accurate and fairness. We mainly compile internal comprehensive academic matters.

Dr. Chang, Shu-Ching
- Compile recruitment related affairs
- Assist recruitment strategy establishment for each department
- Establish, revise, and report recruitment regulation to Ministry of Education
- Establish General Recruitment and Admission Regulations/Procedures and report to Admissions Committee for approval

Ms. Wang, Szu-Ting
- Recruitment affairs of undergraduate admission for Distribution by Examination Results, High School Star, and Admission by Application
- Recruitment affairs of Selection by Referral via (Technical/Vocational) Institutes and (Junior) College
- Recruitment affairs of undergraduate admission for Overseas Chinese Students
- Undergraduate admission backflow quota for unified distribution
- Evaluate undergraduate admission by application for foreign students
- Analyze undergraduate recruitment strategy
- Compile Ming Chuan Journal
- Hold Academic Affairs Committee Meeting
- Evaluate and approve Honorary Doctorate Degree
Ms. Chen, Mei-Hui
- Recruitment affairs of masters’ admission by Recommendation and University Examination, and Admission by University Examination
- Recruitment affairs for doctoral program
- Evaluate masters’ admission by application for foreign students
- Recruitment affairs of masters’ admission for Overseas Chinese Students
- Statistical information for masters’ and doctoral program and recruitment strategy analysis
- Manage section budget and property
- Hold University-wide Faculty Meeting
Ms. Hsieh, Hsin-Ting
- Admission affairs for child of overseas official
- Recruitment affairs of undergraduate admission by examinations for disabled students
- General Provisions for Study and recruitment procedures revision and report to Ministry of Education
- Submit data on the Higher Education Database
- Recruitment affairs for executive masters’ program (include Kimen and Matsu)
- Recruitment affairs of undergraduate admission for Outstanding Athletes
- Recruitment affairs of undergraduate admission for winter, summer transfer examination, and transfer examination for Mainland China students
- Statistical information for executive masters’ program and recruitment strategy analysis

The Enrollment Center is established to work the multi-faceted domestic admission channels and attract exceptional talents, with one director and two staff. We are responsible for recruiting-related matters, including establishing recruitment strategies, holding recruitment activities on-campus (i.e. University camp, Freshmen Welcome Party, and Discover MCU camp) and off-campus (i.e. University Fair, Introduction of fields of study and interview simulations with allied high school students).

Ms. Chueh, Su-Ju
- Plan and promote annual recruitment strategy
- Promote recruitment related strategy alliance
- Plan and integrate on-campus recruitment resources and training
- Hold annual recruitment evaluation meeting
- Draft and revise recruitment related regulations
- Compile and analysis various recruitment information
- Compile, file the official documentation for approval and verify disbursement for scholarship of outstanding new students enrollment and allied high school
- Process and reply recruitment claim

Ms. Mai, Juo-Yu
- Select, train, and manage for work-study
- Plan, compile, compose, and mail recruitment publication (poster, university synopsis, and DVD)
- Maintain recruitment webpage for high school students, mcupr, and mcufresh
- Topic speeches and interview simulations for high school and vocational high school data for Academic Affairs Division
- Plan and execute Referral Examination and Department Required Test Expo
- Select, train, and hold competition for goodwill ambassador
- Execute and wrap up Ming Chuan University camp
- Execute and wrap up Discover Ming Chuan Camp

Ms. Lai I-Ting
- Manage official documentation, property and apply budget
- Purchase and manage recruitment gift
- Maintain new student webpage
- Students and faculty of high school and vocational high school visit events
- Train and hold competition for goodwill ambassador
- Plan and execute University Expo and hold introduction of field of studies in high school and vocational high school
- Execute and wrap up Freshmen Welcome Party
- Execute and wrap up winter and summer vacation camp
- Execute and wrap up Discover Ming Chuan Camp

The Taoyuan Academic Affairs Section is established in accordance with the Ming Chuan University Organizational Code, with one section chief. This section is responsible for curriculum, course selection, examination, roll call, and printing. We strive to facilitate teaching and learning activities, provide handy curriculum services, stimulate student learning, enhance faculty teaching, and provide informative curriculum-related services.

- Supervise and overall coordination the execution for each affair in the Taoyuan Academic Affairs Section
- Supervise student status data management, student grade data management, the refund and payment system
- Overall coordination course offering, student course selection, class rescheduling, and makeup classes in semester and summer sessions
- Supervise examination related matters
- Supervise class attendance related matters and print services
- Supervise auditing of protection of personal information
- Overall coordination educational verification for Overseas student
- Overall coordination International Symposia on Major Academic Disciplines
- Assist Entrance Examinations
- Handles special cases as assigned

Ms. Chen, Wei-Lue
- Matriculation data management
- Grade data management
- Matriculation and/or grade related application documentation
- Responsible Departments: Information Management Department, Computer and Communication Engineering Department, Computer Science and Information Engineering Department, Electronic Engineering Department, Healthcare Information and Management Department, Five-year College Program in Commercial Design, and Five-year College Program in Tourism
- Orientation for transfer students in the undergraduate programs

Ms. Yang, Shu-Chi
- Matriculation data management
- Grade data management
- Matriculation and/or grade related application documentation
- Responsible Departments: Tourism Department, Leisure and Recreation Management Department, Hospitality Management Department, Baking & Pastry Arts (Baking Technology) of Overseas Youth Vocational Training Programs, Three-year College Program in Computer Science, and Five-year College Program in Computer Science
- Compile matriculation data and student ID number management for undergraduate programs
- Orientation for new students in the undergraduate programs
- Overseas student degree review for the undergraduate programs
- Student ID card issue and reissue management
- Issue bachelor degree diplomas, bachelor degree certificates, and junior college degree certificates
- Student basic information database management
- University/department transfer student number statistics
- University affairs database statistics submission
- Responsible staff for unit personal information protection
- Contact person for department of minor affairs, double major affairs, exchange students’ affairs, and Focused Course Program affairs for Excellent Long-Established University Consortium of Taiwan
- Contact person for unit information checking
- Contact person for 10 Pillars evaluation
- Contact person for department transfer evaluation

Ms. Huang, Hui-Chuan
- Matriculation data management
- Grade data management
- Matriculation and/or grade related application documentation
- Responsible departments: Applied Chinese Department, Applied Japanese Department, Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Department, Graduate School of Education, Biomedical Engineering Department, Three-year College Program [evening-only classes] (completed in 4 years) in Computer Science, and Three-year College Program [evening-only classes] (completed in 4 years) in Tourism
- Unit budget management, unit property management, related office supplies purchase and verify disbursement affairs
- Issue master and doctoral degree graduation diplomas
- Summer session grade management affairs
- Cross‐university course selection affairs for students from other university

Ms. Wen, Ya-Chu
- Matriculation data management
- Grade data management
- Matriculation and/or grade-related application documentation
- Responsible Departments: Applied English Department, Information Technology Management Program, Travel and Tourism Program, International Affairs and Diplomacy Program, Three-year College in Commercial Design, and Three-year College Program in Tourism
- Compile matriculation data for masters’ programs
- New student orientation for masters’ programs
- Overseas student degree review for masters’ programs
- Document review and related affairs of direct admission by application for Overseas Chinese Students, Hong Kong and Macao Students
- Grade system operation
- Edit academic affairs working schedule

Ms. Lien, Meng-Hsuan
- Matriculation data management
- Grade data management
- Matriculation and/or grade related application documentation
- Responsible Departments: Criminal Justice Department, Public Affairs and Administration Department, Counseling and Industrial/Organizational Psychology (CIOP) Department, Applied Statistics and Information Science Department, Economics and Finance Department, Financial Technology Applications Program, Biotechnology Department, Three-year College Program (completed in 4 years) in Secretarial Science, Five-year College Program in Secretarial Science Department, and Three-year College Program [evening-only classes] (completed in 4 years) in Secretarial Science.
- Couse selection and grade data management for Lectures by Excellent Masters
- Summer inter-collegiate general education course affairs management

Ms. Chen, Yu-Hsuan
- Matriculation data management
- Grade data management
- Matriculation and/or grade related application documentations
- Responsible Department: Information and Telecommunications Engineering Department, Commercial Design Department, Product Design Department, Architecture Department, Urban Planning and Disaster Management Department, Digital Media Design Department, Animation and Comic Creative Industries Design Program, and The Overseas Youth Vocational Training Program of Digital Media Design
- Promotion SDGs affairs related to Education
- Organize Micro-credit course grade data management

Mr. Yang, Ji-Wei
- Printing course handout
- Printing examination paper
- Printing university wide meeting information
- Other information printing
- Support reception affairs of Taoyuan Academic Affairs Section
- Support other colleagues’ duty

Ms. Chen, Hui-Jen
- Contact person of Taoyuan Academic Affairs Section
- Official documents affairs of Taoyuan Academic Affairs Section
- Coordinate organization of university anniversary academic conferences
- Support off campus examination affairs
- Assist on-campus examination affairs
- Other related academic affairs
- Other special assignments
- Support other colleagues’ duty

Ms. Lee, Hui-Yu
- Organize on campus examination affairs
- Students roll call and absence affairs
- Manual course selection affairs
- Responsible for course dropping system
- Transfer students class management
- Work study students management

Ms. Huang, Han-Yu
- Taoyuan Campus course establishment affairs
- Related affairs of course adjustment
- Faculty members’ course hours review and responsible for related official documents affairs
- Responsible for Taoyuan Campus initial course selection and adding and dropping course affairs
- Responsible for course selection of students in extended study period, returning students, transfer students, and overseas students
- Manual course selection affairs for students in extended study period
- Special cases of course selection management
- Taoyuan Campus summer session course offerings and related online course selection affairs
- Student Information System password query
- Assist on-campus examination affairs

Ms. Peng, Yu-Juan
- Related affairs of faculty members’ leave applications and class rescheduling
- Faculty members’ instruction and attendance affairs
- Taoyuan Campus classroom management
- Loan services of classroom
- Department/ School classroom usage
- Contact person for Taoyuan Campus Freshmen Welcome Party

Ms.Huang, Shin-Jui
- University affairs subproject management: related affairs of application, control and assessment, and outcomes collection
- Digitalize curriculum affairs of Taoyuan Academic Affairs Section promotion
- Responsible for online application and qualification review of changing class for required courses, department of minor and double major
- Documents review and related affairs of direct admission by application for Overseas Chinese Students, Hong Kong and Macao Students
- Student course selection information management
- Assist on-campus examination affairs

The Teaching and Learning Resources Center was established in September 2007 as to effectively intergrate and strengthen university resources, provide high-quality teaching and learning services, enhance teaching quality, and expand student learning capacity.

Dr. Chyr, Wen-Li
- Overall planning affairs about Development of Faculty Teaching
- Overall planning affairs about Support of Student Learning
- Overall planning affairs about Promotion of Instructional Technology

Ms. Chen, Yi-Chen
- Oversees secretarial affairs.
- Handles official documents.
- Handles affairs related to nomination and cultivation of Teaching Assistants.
- Handles affairs related to Learning Guidance for Early Warning Students in midterm.
- Plans and promotes individual learning counseling.
- Handles affairs related to nomination and cultivation of Tutors for Vulnerable Students.
- Handles affairs related to Teacher Communities.
- Handles affairs related to Teaching Experience Sharing Seminar.
- Develops Digital Micro-Credit Course.
- Handles affairs related to MOOCs project.
- Compiles Key Performance Indicators of Teaching and Learning Resources Center.
- Purchases and manages equipment of Teaching and Learning Resources Center.
- Fill in annual budget of Teaching and Learning Resources Center.
- Handles special cases as assigned by administrators.
- Assists other colleagues.

Ms. Liao, Yi-Fan
- Handles affairs related to MOE Teaching Practice Research Program
- Promotes merging vocational competence training into instruction and Faculty Member Teaching Improvement Project.
- Handles affairs related to nomination and cultivation of Tutors.
- Handles affairs related to Learning Guidance for Early Warning Students in the beginning of an academic term.
- Manages space of Teaching and Learning Resources Center.
- Manages part-time workers of Teaching and Learning Resources Center.
- Serves as assessment representative of the Center and compiles the unit assessment plan and results.
- Handles special cases as assigned by administrators.
- Assists other colleagues.

Ms. Chin, Kuo-Jung
- Holds New Faculty Teaching Seminar.
- Holds Faculty Teaching Capacity Seminar and e-Learning Workshop.
- Handles affairs related to the nomination of Faculty for Outstanding Teaching Performance.
- Handles affairs related to faculty member teaching consultation and counseling.
- Handles affairs related to Teaching Demonstration and Peer Review.
- Compiles Ministry of Education Private University Development Funds for Teaching and Learning Resources Center and the implementation results.
- Compiles the Assessment Report about Teaching Evaluation.
- Handles affairs related to the Synchronous Distance Education Lectures of Excellent Masters.
- Handles special cases as assigned by administrators.
- Assists other colleagues.

- Supervises the affairs of sub-projects application and evaluation of Higher Education Enhancement Project conducted by Teaching and Learning Resources Center.
- Handles affairs related to student learning seminars.
- Handles affairs related to Self-learning Project.
- Handles affairs related to Learning Guidance for freshman.
- Handles affairs related to Learning Guidance for Transfer Students.
- Handles affairs related to Self-learning Project for Disadvantaged Students.
- Handles affairs related to Thinking Development Project for Outdoor Education, Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
- Manages books of Teaching and Learning Resources Center.
- Handles special cases as assigned by administrators.
- Assists other colleagues.